“The time is always right to do what’s right.”

- Martin. Luther King Jr.

Health and Plant-Centric Nutrition

Changing to a plant-centric or plant-based diet has many benefits. These benefits range from a lesser negative impact on the environment, less animals that have to suffer for our food choice and improved health. Many studies have shown that a plant-centric or true plant-based diet will help to improve heart disease, diabetes, weight loss, cancer, and brain health. We would like to provide you with scientific and proven information about this topic. This will enable you to make informed decisions in regards of your diet choices and health.

Please note that the GLR has not read every book or viewed every documentary and by sharing these resources is not wholly endorsing any particular book or documentary. Our goal is to give quick and easy access to the documentaries and books categorized in the topics health, factory farming and environment, so you can explore them yourself. The Living Kindly and Vegan Calculator websites have comprehensive lists with descriptions of many documentaries we are encouraging you to watch and Vegan.com has a comprehensive list of books to these topics as well..