Chicken Chatters


Willow here. Aren’t I stunning with my steel grey feathers and orange-red eyes? 

Can you believe that my owner just threw me away like garbage and abandoned me at an industrial site? I was so confused. I didn’t know where I was and what I did wrong that my human just left me to fend for myself. I had a hard time finding food and I was so hungry and scared too. At night, I hid wherever I could find some coverage. I managed to survive for several days like this until this beautiful lady from a nearby school came by and packed me into a carrier. 

She called the Good Life Refuge and asked if they could help me out and they said yes. It was like I was winning the jackpot. No more hiding, no more hunger and a safe, warm place to sleep. 

The first few days were a bit weird as I had to quarantine and I couldn’t be with the other chickens. But boy, when I came out of that quarantine I got to hang with the coolest chicks. They have coops to pick from, so I could choose my tribe and they even changed their set up so that we ladies have more room to cruise around. The humans there must have some kind of a snack schedule. Because twice a day they come and feed us really yummy fruits and vegetables, and we even get to keep our eggs. They scramble or hard boil them for us and we get to eat them. I love eating eggs, they give me so much nutrition back. Laying eggs is so hard on my body and it depletes my body of nutrients, but with some extra eggs I get a little energy booster  and some of the nutrients back. I love it here. I hope I never have to leave. Will you make sure that I can stay here? Only $3.75 a day take care of feed, housing and medical care for me.

With lots of love,





Oinkers Talk