Cruelty Free Holidays

by Nicole Brecht - executive Director Good Life Refuge

Can you imagine that 45 - 46 million turkeys are slaughtered every year just for Thanksgiving? This number doesn’t even include other holidays or the numbers of pigs and chickens that are killed as well. Wouldn’t it be nice to have cruelty free alternatives that don’t involve taking an innocent’s live and are better for the environment and your health?

Luckily, today there are many options available to replace our traditional turkey roasts and hams with plant-based roast options that are also delicious and tasty. One of our personal favorites at the sanctuary is the Tofurky Ham. It tastes great, is very similar to traditional ham and the kids love it. Livekindly is also another wonderful resource for holiday roast recommendations and recipes.

You don’t like to cook or don’t have time for cooking an extensive holiday menu. No problem! Peta’s thanksgiving online ordering guide has an abundance of resources listed that offer online ordering and delivery or shipment to your doorsteps.

Further, Forks over Knives has an extensive Holiday recipe guide and Delish offers an array of Christmas dinner recipes for all of our cooks who love to prepare and cook their own holiday menus.

Additionally, plant-based chef and health coach Sarah Eastin recommends these delicious and very tasty roasts for you:

Vegan Pork Tenderloin Roast

Grandpa’s Homemade Eat Loaf

Oat & Lentil “Meat Loaf”.

And lastly, check out these local stores and restaurants that are offering plant-based options and menus. Many offer plant-based menus for Thanksgiving and we are hoping they will also do so for Christmas:

Native Foods
Morning Glory Cafe
Water Course
Tasty Harmony
Whole Foods.

We all can be part of a more compassionate and kinder world with so many plant-based options, recipes, resources and restaurants available to us today without sacrificing tasteful and delicious food. So let’s chose a new holiday tradition that shows compassion and kindness towards ourself, the environment and the animals.

Happy Holidays!


Oinkers Talk


Slaughterhouses: dangerous for animals and humans alike